We are grateful for any donations you can make to help our dogs.

You can donate via the PayPal below 


We thank you for your support!


 Site Map



   Add the IGive button and select SHR as your charity



Shepherds Hope Rescue Cherished Supporters

We would like to acknowledge and thank our gracious Shepherd Saviors.  You have helped our dogs in so many ways, and particularly in finding their forever homes. We are truly grateful and  humbled for every donation we receive and put them to work in whatever way benefits our dogs the most. 


You are truly the heart of Shepherds Hope Rescue.









2020 Donators

Susanna Lachs Adler and Dean Adler

Nina Aghabeikzadeh

Chris Arena

Pamela Babcock

Susan Bender

Alexandra Birkhan

Jill Bresler

Nancy Pearl Carpenter

Susan Novosel Cattieu

Nancy Daugenti

Roberta June Dries

Jane Doyle

Joy Fornino

Marie Giangolano

JoAnne Habenicht 

Todd Haines

Kathy Hill

Marianne Kinane

Patrick Lappin

Ryan McGurl 

Emily Mazzullo

Franz & Lori Moore

Jody Nobile

Deborah and James O’Hare

Leona Palumbo 

Kimon Retzos

Carol & Chris Rosensteel

James Russo

Michelle Saccurato

Sigrid U. Fenton Schafer

Janet D. Schultz

Georgia Stokes

Laura Taylor

Sara Treibel

Roger Villi

Caroline and Tom Ward





Denotes Multiple Donations

Denotes a minimum $500 donation

Denotes monthly donations




In Memorium

 In loving tribute to all  who filled our lives with joy, happiness and love…we will never forget you



In memory of and dedicatioin to my parents and their heavenly anniversary.

I miss you every day.

Susan Novosel Cattieu





In memory of our beloved Hank who left us on May 13, 2019.   

You will always live on in our hearts

Caroline and Tom Ward 



In loving memory of Duke

Our time together was too short, but it was a blessing…

Laura Taylor





In loving memory of Erika Krey

 Susan Novosel Cattieu




In loving memory of William ‘Bill’ Krause, the original animal whisperer

James Russo




In loving memory of Richard Novosel

Deborah and James O’Hare












2019 Donators


Susanna Lachs Adler & Dean S. Adler

Mary Ann Arant

Chris Arena

Bender Media Services Inc.

Terri Bish

Laurie Bowie

Nancy Brayton

Lisa and Bob Caponegro

Nancy P. Carpenter

Susan Cattieu

Rodney Cattieu

Erin Corrigan

Wolfgang Deininger

Anita Distefano

Katya Edwards

Jody and Anthony Filoso

Joy Fornino

Larry & Dorothy Gaugler and The Juniper Dog Lovers Group

Marie Giangolano

JoAnne Habenicht

Todd Haines

Sherry Hayes

Kathleen Hill

Jane Huntoon St. Jacques

Lorraine Justus

Ellyn Kerr

Marianne and Rich Kinane
Diane Kraudelt

Judy B. Linke

Enis Moran

Jeanne Morency

Barrett Nichols

Leona Palumbo

Marilyn Pasekoff

Carol and Chris Rosensteel

Debra Santoro

Sigrid U. Fenton Schafer

Michael and Karol Souveroff

Janet & Greg Stegiel

Georgia Stokes 

Laura Taylor 

Roger Villi 

Caroline & Tom Ward

Barbara Weisfeld






Denotes Multiple Donations

Denotes a minimum $500 donation

Denotes monthly donations


We would like to thank the following organization for naming Shepherds Hope a 2019 Grant recipient for the Ninth Year:


Shana Alexander Charitable Trust


For the ninth year, we have been honored to receive an extremely generous grant from the Shana Alexander Charitable Trust.  This grant was established by the late Shana Alexander, a wonderful journalist, author and television personality.  We are humbled to the Trustees for awarding us with this continuing and most substantial grant.  It is with your continued generosity and support that we continue the lifesaving mission we hold so dear to our hearts.

Heartful thanks to Eleanora Kennedy for championing our cause.





In Memorium

 In loving tribute to all  who filled our lives with joy, happiness and love…we will never forget you



In loving memory of Jay

Love Mom




In loving memory of John Ceriello

Police Officer/ GSD owner/lover

Who lost his battle from 911 related cancer

We Salute you and Honor your Bravery

Mary Ann Arant




Remembering my beloved companions Sonny and Hogan 

You will forever be in my heart

Marilyn Pasekoff




 In loving memory of my Shaina

Kathleen Hill




In loving memory of sweet Hank

Caroline and Tom Ward





In loving memory of my shining Star

Nancy Brayton



In memory of our beloved Talon

Carol and Chris Rosensteel




In loving memory of my beautiful fur nephew Talon.

We miss you very much.

Marie Giangolano




 In loving memory of Richard Novosel

Rodney Cattieu





 In loving memory of Richard Novosel

Sherry Hayes




In loving memory of my dad Rich Novosel

Susan Novosel Cattieu




In honor of what would have been Hanks 10th birthday.

Please accept this donation in his honor.

Love to you both for all you do.

Caroline and Tom Ward





 In loving memory of Bandit 

Our love for him continues by helping other Shepherds in need

Jody and Anthony Filoso





In loving memory of Gretel

Kathy Hill





In Fond Memory of Our Friend John Ceriello


A Vietnam U.S. Navy Veteran, Officer Second Class John Ceriello lost his battle against complications resulting from the terrorist attacks of 9/11.  John had canine experience with NYPD and was an excellent source of advice and encouragement regarding dog issues of all kinds. Pronto is an intimidating, but incredibly well trained GSD.

We were privileged to call him a friend and were touched to be visited recently by his widow, Beata, and Pronto, who, to no one’s surprise, is still longing for John. 


Larry & Dorothy Gaugler and

The Juniper Dog Lovers Group





 In loving memory of Janice Miller’s beloved Lexie

Erin Corrigan





In loving memory of Diane Smith

Susan Novosel Cattieu




 In loving memory of Star

 Judy B. Linker





In loving memory of Hank

Anita Distefano




In loving memory of my Mum, Edythe Novosel
Susan Cattieu



In loving memory of  my beloved Bo

Lorraine Justus



In loving memory of our best friend Jordy.  We miss you.

Michael and Karol Souveroff




In loving memory of Sierra and Sidney

Debra Santoro














2018 Donators


Dean and Susanna Adler

Joan Alverson & Sydney 

Chris Arena 

Patricia Bacon

Christine Bates

Clara Barrio 

Maureen Bedard/Yard Sales for Needy Tails

Elizabeth Beiter

Terri Bish

Melissa Bitting

Mike and Nancy Bryden

Susan Burns

Brenda Bush

Lisa and Bob Caponegro

Nancy P. Carpenter 

Rodney Cattieu

Sue & Steve Cattieu

Lisa Crocker

Jimmy & Terri Cumbie

Jim Dascoli and Sedona Shepherd Sanctuary

Wolfgang Deininger

Caroline Dowd-Ward

Jane Doyle 

Janice Driscoll

Nike Dwyer

Katya Edwards 

Elyse Feldman  

Terri Gerlich 

Marie Giangolano

Michael Glasser

Joanne Habenicht

Todd Haines

Judith Hubbartt

Kristen Kastrinos

Cyndi and Fred LeCompte

Melissa Locke

Barbara Lorber 

Enis Moran

Jeanne Morency 

Roy Mulhall 

Linda, Philip, Princess, Teddy & Cell Okun
Leona Palumbo

Gary Polkowitz

D. Michelle Renick

Kimon Retzos

Carol & Chris Rosensteel 

Jim Russo

Eric Sale

Joanne Sale

Jimmy & Jayne Salvato

William Sardinia 

Sigrid U. Fenton Schafer

Carol Skaziak, Jason Walters and the Throwaway     Dogs Team

Janet & Greg Stegiel

Georgia Stokes 

Kristin Streeter 

Michael Souveroff, Karol Ward and Jordy

Sycamore Fund 

Laura Taylor

Deborah Van Cott

Philip Vaysgar & Dr. Dina Vaynberg

Brenda Vesligaj

Roger Villi

Barbara Weisfeld 

Suzyn Waldman




Denotes Multiple Donations

Denotes a minimum $500 donation

 Denotes monthly donations




We would like to thank the following organizations for naming Shepherds Hope a 2018 Grant recipient:


Shana Alexander Charitable Trust


Once again we have been honored to receive an extremely generous grant from the Shana Alexander Charitable Trust.  This grant was established by the late Shana Alexander, a wonderful journalist, author and television personality.  We are humbled to the Trustees for awarding us with this continuing and most substantial grant.  It is with your continued generosity and support that we continue the lifesaving mission we hold so dear to our hearts.
Heartful thanks to Eleanora Kennedy for championing our cause.
Wishing the Shepherds Hope Pack a very wonderful holiday season.
 Elyse Feldman
Talon’s auntie Marie Giangolano 
In celebration of Hank’s upcoming 9th birthday!
Caroline Dowd-Ward 

In honor of Richard Kinane‘s birthday.  Happy Birthday, Richard!

William Sardinia, Icon Trucking Service who donated






For the rescue dogs of Hurricane Florence

Joan Alverson & Sydney





In Memorium

 In loving tribute to all  who filled our lives with joy, happiness and love…we will never forget you





In memory of my beloved Diesel

Wolfgang Deininger 




In Memory of Tiger-Jack and Lexis

who were saved by a wonderful rescue group.

Continue your good work in 2019

Georgia Stokes




In loving memory of K9 Kanon 

Carol Skaziak, Jason Walters and the Throwaway Dogs Team 



In loving memory of my mom,

Barbara Braunstein

With love

Jim Dascoli and Sedona Shepherd Sanctuary



In loving memory of our sweet Hope.

We love and miss you.
Philip Vaysgar & Dr. Dina Vaynberg



Thank you for all you do. Please keep rescuing this fabulous breed. They fill every crack and space in your heart and take a piece of you with them when they pass.

I miss Lexi terribly; it’s not the same without her.

I Love You, Lexi.

Your Devoted Mom,

Patricia Bacon



In loving memory of Cruz, a wonderful dog, and his loving owner
Linda & Philip Okun




In loving memory of Cruz
Elyse Feldman




In loving memory of Tami & Chris’s sweet Gazi
Terri & Jimmy Cumbie




In memory of Cruz, a big, beautiful, sweet boy
Terri & Jimmy Cumbie



 In Loving Memory of Cruz 

Terri Gerlich



In loving memory of Emily

You are missed every day

Kristen Kastrinos




In loving memory of Sandi

The wonderful companion to Tami and Scott 

Our deepest condolences

Terri & Jimmy Cumbie



In loving memory of Nicki 

Beloved companions to our dear friend Martha Mills
Terri & Jimmy Cumbie





 In loving memory of Jackson

My neighbor’s beloved companion

Sue Cattieu




 In honor of Lyn Laparan’s beloved GSD Alex

who recently  lost his battle with hemangiosarcoma

Run happy Alex.

Barbara Weisfeld





In loving memory of Edythe Novosel

Rodney Cattieu





In memory of Jerp
beloved companion of Emily and Mark
Barbara Weisfeld



In memory of my beloved Schmutz

Barbara Weisfeld  





In memory of our sweet Maya

We love and miss you

Mom and Zander


Our heartfelt thanks to Kristin Streeter for her generous donation and beautiful and touching message.

Thank you so much for your kindness.  We feel certain Maya would be thrilled at this lovely tribute.














2017 Donators


Susanna and Dean Adler

Shana Alexander Charitable Trust

Joan Alverson

Chris Arena

Maureen Bedard (Yard Sales for Needy Tails)

Terri Bish

Melissa & Bob Bitting

Bill & Katy Bloss

Nancy Brayton

Nancy and Mike Bryden

James Bugansky

Susan Cattieu

Kathryn Coffey

Terri & Jimmy Cumbie

Aubrey Graf Daniels 

James Dascoli

Wolfgang Deininger

Sandra Deyo

Vincent DiSalvo

Dave, Jane, Misha, Freedom & Amanda Doyle

Katya Edwards

Richard Engstrom 

Tami Evans & Chris Scott

Elyse Feldman

Joanne Habenicht

Todd Haines

Marianne Kinane

Karen Kubik

Karen & Richard Lanzetta

Cyndi LeCompte

Barbara Lorber and Carrie’s Kitty

Katherine Love

Margrit McCrane

Patricia Maiello

Dr. Ronald Mann &

Dr. Stephanie Rifkinson-Mann

Franz Moore

Jeanne Morency

Gina Mullen

Barrett Nichols

Linda and Phil Okun

Leona Palumbo

Marilyn Pasekoff

Michele Readinger

Janet & Todd Richter

Carol & Chris Rosensteel

Jim & Leigh Ann Russo

Debra Santoro

Sigrid Fenton Schafer

Robert Scoglio

Sandra Seligman

Dana Silk

Wendy Silverman

Michael Souveroff, Karol Ward and Jordy

Janet and Greg Stegiel

Laura Taylor 

Lisa Thristino

Vanessa Tobin

Henry Tuttman/The Interiors Group

Deborah, Bryan, Hailey & Ellie Van Cott

Caroline Dowd Ward

Barbara Weisfeld

Nicole Zuvich



 Denotes Multiple Donations

Denotes a minimum $500 donation

 Denotes monthly donations





We would like to thank the following organizations for naming Shepherds Hope a 2017 Grant recipient:


Shana Alexander Charitable Trust


Once again we have been honored to receive an extremely generous grant from the Shana Alexander Charitable Trust.  This grant was established by the late Shana Alexander, a wonderful journalist, author and television personality.  We are humbled to the Trustees for awarding us with this continuing and most substantial grant.  It is with your continued generosity and support that we continue the lifesaving mission we hold so dear to our hearts.


Heartful thanks to Eleanora Kennedy for championing our cause.





Thank you Elyse Feldman for your donation in honor of Donna J’s birthday.


Thank you Sandra Deyo for your very generous donation.





In Memorium


In loving tribute to all  who filled our lives with joy, happiness and love…we will never forget you





in loving memory of Sierra and Sidney.

Debra Santoro




In memory of our wonderful, sweet Hope.  
You will always be in our hearts.
Love Mom and Dad.
Philip and Dina Vaysgar



In memory of our beloved Joe.  
We love and miss you very much.
Terri & Jimmy Cumbie





In memory of our wonderful Lucy

Thank you for all the great memories.  We miss you!
Love, Mom and Dad

Jayne & Lucy Salvato





In memory of my beloved Roxy,

who went to the Rainbow Bridge one year ago today…November 30, 2016

Love never fades

Sue Cattieu




In memory of Joe

Terrie and Jimmy Cumbie’s faithful companion

Melissa & Bob Bitting





In memory of Joe, a much loved sweet boy
Tami Evans & Chris Scott





In Loving Memory of our Dearest Hope
Love Mom and Dad





 In loving memory of George Schwerdtman 

Maureen Bedard (Yard Sales for Needy Tails)






Our heartfelt thanks to Tami Evans and Chris Scott for their very generous donation in memory of Bernie Hatch, the beloved dad of dear friend, Melissa Bitting. He adored Radar, who was his favorite fur grand-dog♡

We are so sorry for your loss, Melissa, and thank you Tami and Chris for honoring him in such a lovely way.






 In Loving Memory of Schatze
Her parents Lenny and Kathy adored her.  
Tami Evans & Chris Scott



In memory of Sophie, a very special girl who will be missed
Elyse Feldman




In lovely memoy of Sully,

one very special boy

James Dascoli 








2016 Donators


Shana Alexander Charitable Trust

Dean and Susanna Adler

Joan Alverson

Chris Arena

John Astrab/Princeton Supply Corp.

Auntie Pam

Carol Beck

Laurence Beck

Maureen Bedard, Yard Sale for Needy Tails

Susan Bender

Bender Media Services Corp.

Terri Bish

Pat and Tim Bishop, Diesel and Bailey 

Melissa & Bob Bitting

Kim Boberg

Jim Braunstein

Nancy Brayton

Nancy Bryden

Bob, Lisa & Zena Caponegro

Janet Caskey

Brian Castano

Susan Cattieu

Deboran Van Cott

Terri  & Jimmy Cumbie

Nancy Daugenti

Wolfgang Deininger

Vincent DiSalvo

Russ, Joan & Lea Doucette

Felice Douglas

Jane & Dave Doyle

Cheryl Dunn

Michele Edge

Katya Edwards

Elyse Feldman

Elisabeth Friedman

Terri Gerlich

Marie Giangolano

Ida Giannone

Adele Goodrich

Aubrey Graf

Gunnar & Penny

Joanne Habenicht

Todd Haines

Sheila Hawes

Adriana Herd

Suzie Barbee and Vic Hotho

Sally Jules

Kristen Kastrinos

Jacquelynne Kasufkin

Marianne & Richard Kinane

Karen and Richard Lanzetta

Margaret Lee

Leila Lima

Kara LoDolce

Barbara Lorber

Susan Lorentz


Margrit McCrane

Wendi McJury

Dr. Ronald Mann & Dr. Stephanie Rifkinson Mann

Robert and Joan Matloff

Barrett Nichols

Linda & Dennis Nico

Flavia Monteiro Novo

Franz, Lori & Bear Moore

Jeanne Morency

Megan Moreno

Peter & Greta Morgan

Matthew Morrison

Barrett Nichols

Linda & Dennis Nico

Annie Nunez

Philip & Linda Okun

Jeannie & Christopher Orsini

Taemee Pak

Virginia Parrish

Marilyn Pasekoff

Leona Palumbo

Rabben Family

Dave Rayner

Kimon Retzos

Caryll Rinehart

Patricia Roldan

Christopher Rowan

James Russo

Jimmy & Jayne Salvato

Debra Santoro

Rachel Santoro

Sigrid Schafer

Tami & Chris Scott

Jessica Sigal

Michael Souveroff, Karol Ward & Jordy

Jen Parrish Solomon

Clare & Robert Starke

Janet & Greg Stegiel

Georgia Stokes

Laura Taylor

Svetlana Tchirkova

Lisa Thristino

Sara J. Treibel

Nancy Varin

Caroline Dowd-Ward

Sue Waterman

Maryann Westerlund

Marjorie Zimmerman



 Denotes Multiple Donations

Denotes a minimum $500 donation




We would like to thank the following organizations for naming Shepherds Hope a 2016 Grant recipient:


Shana Alexander Charitable Trust
For the fourth time, we have been honored to receive an extraordinarily generous grant from the Shana Alexander Charitable Trust.  This was established by the late Shana Alexander, an incredible journalist, author and television personality.  We are so grateful to the Trustees for awarding us with this most generous grant so we can continue on the mission we hold so dear to our heart.
Heartfelt thanks to Eleanora Kennedy for championing our cause. 





In honor of Rich Kinane’s Birthday.

He loves you guys and misses Leika girl like crazy, but loves his Jaki!

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Kathryn Coffey




We are so grateful for our beautiful Lea. Thank you for all your wonderful work.
Russ & Joan Doucette & Lea





Wishing Donna & Jeannie and the Shepherds Hope Pack a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Healthy New Year!





In honor of my friend William Jenning‘s 60th birthday

With love from Hank’s mom,

Caroline Dowd-Ward






We would like to thank Elyse Feldman for her very generous donation which was made in honor of Donna J’s birthday.
We so appreciate this lovely commemoration.



Nancy Varin 
In honor of her grand-dog Meka





In Memorium


In loving tribute to all  who filled our lives with joy, happiness and love…we will never forget you





In loving memory of Sierra
Debra Santoro





In loving memory of our beloved Britney and Max
We love you and miss you every day
Linda and Dennis Nico





In honor of Tami Evans and her beloved GSD’s

Grace and Ava

Who passed away unexpectedly this year

Melissa and Bob Bitting





In loving memory of Ava

We are so sorry for your loss, Tami and Chris
Terri & Jimmy Cumbie





 In loving memory of Hogan
Marilyn Pasekoff




In Memory of Sierra 

Who proved the truism that we don’t rescue dogs, they rescue us. 

 I hope that in her memory, you can find another sweet pup the same kind of love and devotion that she knew from my parents.

Rachel Santoro





In memory of my beloved Diesel

Wolfgang Deininger





In loving memory of our Lucy

 We love and miss you sweet girl
Mom & Dad

Jayne & Jimmy Salvato




In memory of my beloved Roxy

Forever in my heart

Susan Cattieu





In loving memory of Penny

Joanne Habenicht





In loving memory of my dear Zoey 

I miss you so much
Adele Goodrich





In loving memory of Gracie and deepest sympathies to Tami & Chris

Love Terri & Jimmy Cumbie





To Melissa and Bob Bitting

In loving memory of Selene and heart felt sympathies 
From Terri & Jimmy Cumbie





In loving memory of Chairman Meow and Duke

Auntie Pam





In loving memory of my sweet man Tyson

Sally Jules





In loving memory of Selene, a really great girl
Tami & Chris Scott





In loving memory of our Lucy, our beautiful, wonderful girl. You will always be in our hearts.
Love mom and dad.

Jimmy and Jayne Salvato





In honor of my beloved Duke

Janet Caskey



  In memory of Pumpkin for Dolly, Tiki and Bear.  

Elyse Feldman




In memory of Pumpkin the kitty

The best training kitty for all the foster German Shepherds
Elyse Feldman




In memory of Adam 
Rescued by John & LuAnn Hire and crossed over the Rainbow Bridge within days of going home with them.

With Love,

Maureen Bedard, Yard Sale for Needy Tails



Joan, in loving memory of your beloved Reign

Elyse Feldman




In memory of my very special boy, Reign. I love you buddy and miss you.
Your Mom.

Joan Alverson




In Memory of our dear friend Patty Winter who so loved her German shepherds Chief and Coco
Todd and Debbie Birdsall




In memory of my beloved Puck

Christopher Rowan



In memory of Teresa Flores
Joanne and Bruce Sale




Todd Haines

In Memory of his beloved Cody





In loving memory or Roscoe

Jen Parrish Solomon



In memory of Steve Babasick

Who, out of love for his Maya,
Allowed our family to share in her love.
Suzie Barbee and Vic Hotho










2015 Donators


Geoffrey Acampora

Talia Acampora

Susanna Adler

Joan Alverson and Reign

Chis Arena

Pamela Babcock

Jean Balloon

Suzanne Barbee & Victor Hortho

Janet & Fred Barrell

Jean Beasley

Carol Beck

Larry Beck

Maureen Bedard-Yard Sales for Needy Tails

Belkin Capital Ltd.

Bender Media Services Corp.

Dawn Betters

Karen Bisgeier

Terriann & Ronald Bish

Pat Bischoff

Bill, Katy and Luke Bloss

Lori Bocola

Barbara & William Braunstein

John & Nancy Bryden

Ray,  Rosa, and Allie Bussi

Vicki Carrington

Susan Novosel Cattieu

Teri Cumbie

Micaela Darling

James Dascoli

Gerard DeBoey

Wolfgang Deininger

Lisa Del Percio

Sandra Deyo

Barbara & Frank Dobrovics

Russell Doucette

Caroline Dowd-Ward

Jane & Dave Doyle

Teri Dunbar

Nike Dwyer

Michele Edge

Katya Edwards

Yvonne Esposito


Tami Evans

Maureen Feduniak

Sue Feere

Elyse Feldman

Denise Feinkind

John Fitzgerald

Camille Ford

Gary & Rosemary Freitag

Terri Gerlich

Adele Goodrich

Dalia & Jennifer Gouveia

Aubrey Graf-Daniels

Christine Gregorat

Conrad Gustafson

Todd Haines

Katie Henry

Janet Hine

Melissa Hoff

Jo Hoffman

Phyllis Hosbach

Carla Jenkins

Lorraine Justus

Gerda Kamberov

Yana Kamberov

George Karampelas

Jacquelynn Kasufkin

Marianne & Richard Kinane

Jeannie Kooba

Shara Ladyzhensky

Kathryn Lange

Karen & Richard Lanzetta

Mary Leas

Cynthia LeCompte

Cindy Leinwand

Patricia Lepkowski

Tami & Chris Jimmy

Barbara Heyman Lorber

Susan Lorentz





Margrit McCrane

E. Siobha McCormack

Dr. Ronald & Stephanie Mann

Tiffany Maurer

Jeanne Meldrim

The Meskouris Family

Bill Meyer

Susan Meyer

Enis Moran

Jeanne Morency

Tracy D. O’Berry

Philip & Linda Okun

Jeannie & Chris Orsini

Robert Packer

Leona Palumbo

Frank Pinzone on behalf of Adeline Pinzone

Alicia & Josh Pollock

Andee Post

Dave Rayner

Linda & Dennis Reid

Caryll Rinehart

Denise Reszek

Larry & Rosanna Roberts

Carol, Christopher and Talon Rosensteel

Jim & Leigh Ann Russo

Joanne and Bruce Sale

Jayne, Jimmy and Lucy Salvato

Debra Santoro

Sigrid Schafer

Christopher Schoedel

Nicole Sellars

James Shepler

Jessica Sigal

Dana and Gregory Silk

Allan Silverman

Lisa Smith

Michael Souveroff

Robert Sowers

Nancy Stallings

Janet & Greg Stegiel

Sarah Steinberg

Georgia Stokes

Adrienne Swan

Ray and Melanie Swan

Laura Taylor

Svetlana Tchirkova

Lisa Thristino

Micheline Tilton

Lisa Toohey

Karla Tribley

Henry Tuttman and The Interiors Group

Deborah Van Cott

Suzyn Waldman

Caroline Dowd Ward

Laurel Wardle

Nadine Welch

Lori Wells

Cynthia West





 Denotes Multiple Donations

Denotes a minimum $500 donation




We would like to thank the following organizations for naming Shepherds Hope a 2015 Grant recipient:


Shana Alexander Charitable Trust
For the third time, we have been honored to receive an extraordinarily generous grant from the Shana Alexander Charitable Trust.  This was established by the late Shana Alexander, an incredible journalist, author and television personality.  We are so grateful to the Trustees for awarding us with this most generous grant so we can continue on the mission we hold so dear to our heart.
Heartfelt thanks to Eleanora Kennedy for championing our cause.



Merry Christmas, Donna

from Lisa Thristino and Zena





Thank you Bill, Katy and Luke Bloss for your extraordinarily generous gift.

We are so grateful for your generous support and kindness.



From our Maya
She wanted to send you something to thank you for all you do in honor of Daddy’s birthday.
Suzi Barbee and Vic Hotho



In honor of Hobbes

Belkin Capital Ltd.



We love our Ellie girl so much and can’t thank you enough for helping us find her. We just wanted to help give another dog a chance to find a loving home.
Deborah Van Cott

Thank you all at SH for all the love and

personal effort you afford all the dogs and puppies in need.

I am so proud to be a small part of your tem.


Lids, Philip, Cella, Mocco and Princess




With thanks to Tracey Meyer
For organizing donations at Rutgers University for Yard Sales for Needy Tails
Maureen Bedard 


For Juno, my “little sister”
With Love
Yana Kamberov




With Love

 Tim and Kate (Zeus‘ Mom and Dad)






For Sidney

Linda & Philip Okun





In honor of Donna J.’s Birthday.

With Much Love,

Elyse Feldman




In honor of my furry nephew Talon

Marie Giangolano    







In Memorium


In loving tribute to all  who filled our lives with joy, happiness and love…we will never forget you





 In loving memory of Jay

With gratitude to Jeannie

Love, Mom




In loving memory of our beloved Maya

Love Mom and Dad





In memory our beloved Max.  We will be forever grateful.

Linda and Dennis Reid




In loving memory of my Jordy, his brother Mackey and sister Dolly.

We miss you more than we can say.  Til’ we meet again puppas. 

Jeannie and Chris Orsini






In loving memory of our friends at Rainbow Bridge

 Jeannie Kooba






In loving memory of our family, our friends Rocco and Leika 

Richard and Marianne Kinane

Allan Silverman, Bullrock Concrete Corporation





 In memory of our beloved SamPaige and Mackey

Until we see you again.

Karla Tribley





 In loving memory of my beloved Shepherd, Heidi

who passed from Hemangiosarcoma at the young age of only 10.

My heart will never be the same.

 Laurel Wardle



In loving memory of my beloved Zoey

 Adele Goodrich





In memory of Jackie

Who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on November 8, 2015

Maureen from Yard Sales for Needy Tails





In honor of my beloved cat Chairman Meow






In loving memory of our Emma

The sweetest and most wonderful baby girl

Joanne, Bruce and Eric Sale




In loving memory of our Torre

The sweetest and most wonderful baby girl

Joanne, Bruce and Eric Sale




In loving memory of my beloved Mambo 

who could, and always will, make my heart dance

Leona Palumbo




In loving memory of Elsie, her mom’s best friend

Elyse Feldman




In memory our our beloved Bridget

The Meskouris Family





Thanks to Gidget,  Nancy and Mike Bryden for their generous donation to Shepherds Hope Rescue in memory of Margret Fiedler on her birthday.






A very generous donation was made by Joanne & Bruce Sale in memory of baby Luca Gabriel Rutolo

whose very brief stay on earth was celebrated by his family

Baby Luca, may you rest peacefully in the arms of the angels.  May God kiss you gently and welcome you home 





In loving memory of Griffin,

Beloved companion of Tami and Chris Jimmy

and Terri Cumbie 




In memory of my Kitty Neuman, beloved cat friend of one of your adoptees.

Thanks for the wonderful work you do.

Your friend Bo and mom Lorraine





In loving memory of Gina, my beloved girl.

George Karampelas





In loving memory of Sophie
Elyse Feldman
In loving memory of Sammy
Elyse Feldman
In loving memory of Valentine
Terri and Jimmy Cumbie
Tami Evans
Elyse Feldman
Karen and Richard Lanzetta
Joan Alverson, Reign & Sophie




In honor of my beloved Duke
5 years at Rainbow Bridge
Love Auntie Pam
In loving memory of Sace
Marianne Kinane
In loving memory of our Buddy
Ann Simkins and  Bonifacio Montellano





  In loving memory of my Buddy

 Carol Beck





In loving memory of Pepper

With deepest sympathies to the Sah family

From their neighbors on Grace Court Alley 

Sarah & Peter Steinberg

Jonathan Darman and James Lawler

 Kara and David Levin

Marilyn and Rick Schatzberg

Siobhan Bonnouvrier and Hilary LeFebvre

Gabe Howard and Marty Skoble 




In loving memory of Shadow

Elyse Feldman




In loving memory of Cooper

Elyse Feldman




To Sophie

Who resembles and recalls our beloved Shepherd Kizmet

who went to rest on Tuesday.

Nadine Welch









2014 Donators


Dean and Susanna Adler

Joan Alverson

“Uncle” Chris Arena

Mariam Attarian-Bryer

Janelle Ballack

Suzi Barbee and Vic Hotho

Pat Baud

Carol Beck

Maureen Bedard – Yard Sales for Needy Tails

Elizabeth Beiter

Bender Media Services, Corp.

Terriann & Ronald Bish

Pat & Tim Bishop

William and Katy Bloss

Mr. and Mrs. William Braunstein

 Nancy Brayton

Jill Bresler 

Marian and Mike Burns

Rachel Calzaretta

Tamaritta Chana-ram

Renee Chao

Zach Chasky

Chavez for Charity

Chemtech Exterminating

Connie Cheng

Hope Chu

Michael & Julia Cleary

 Robert & Lisa Caponegro

Valerie Cornell & Iris

Terri & Jimmy Cumbie

Donna Cweklinsky

Jim Dascoli

Ellen and Nancy Daugenti

Wolfgang Deininger

Jane Doyle & Misha

Theresa Dunbar

Doriane Elliott

Tami Evans and Christopher Scott

Elyse Feldman

Donna Filocamo

Brooke Foged

James Freebody

Elisabeth Friedman

Theresa Gerlich

Judith Geroni

Marie Giangolano

Adele Goodrich

Susan Petersen Greeley

Shishira Gupta

Todd Haines

Nina Harrison

Anita & Paul Heiser

Kathleen Henry

Robert Herm & Cricket

Kavita Hunt

Joey & Aleethea

Ken & Barbara Johns

James Jospe

Sally Jules

Lilly Kalvo

Gerda Kamberov
Yana Kamberov

Louise Kane

Kristen Kastrinos

Larry Krug

Ronald Labaco

Karen & Richard Lanzetta

Salvatore LaTorre

Mary Leas

Cynthia Lecompte

Lisa Lombardo
Barbara Lorber





Patrick McAleer

Helen McCarthy

Liz Maffe

Louise Mack

Patricia Maiello

Malatino Family

Victor & Lori Maldonado

Mary Anne Meier


Doris Maat & Robert Milgrom

Tracey Meyer

Donna Monroe

Patricia Moran

Jeanne Morency

Kathleen & Jeffrey Nelson

Margaret Nilson

Kathleen O’Neill

Linda and Philip Okun

Leona Palumbo

Tracy and Mark Paradis

 Marilyn Pasekoff

Cindy Paxton

Nikki and Cornelius Perkins

Ron Prince

Princeton Supply

Dave Rayner

Michelle Readinger
Carol, Chris & ‘Talon’ Rosensteel

Lauren & David Ross

Susanne Rostock

Arthur Rowe

James & Leigh Ann Russo

Susan Sachs

Lorraine Sakli

Erica Salinas

Jayne, Jimmy and Lucy Salvato

Dr. & Mrs. Ron Santangelo, Weasley and Hermione

Debra Santoro

Shana Alexander Charitable Foundation

Karen Shapiro

Sharah Sharma

Dana & Gregory Silk

Gary Skubick

Kathy Sommer

Michael Souveroff
Janet & ‘Dutchess’ Stegiel

Joshua Stein

Sarah Steinberg

Georgia Stokes

Armando Velutini and Omi Seguias

David Tan

Glen Taylor

Lisa Tennison

Amy Thomas

Lisa Thristino

Richele Thurston & Robert Bojarun

Yvonne (Vivianne) Tvilling

Hugh Van Dusen

Caroline Ward

Tracy Wolak
United World Foundation, Inc.

Urgent Death Row Dogs

Caroline Ward

Amy Webb

Kristin and Thomas Zarrella

Marjorie Zimmerman 


 Denotes Multiple Donations

 Denotes a minimum $500 donation





We would like to thank the following organizations for naming Shepherds Hope a 2014 Grant recipient:



Shana Alexander Charitable Foundation  





Thank you for rescuing these dogs.  I have adopted 2, Lexis and Tiger.

Georgia Stokes




Nancy Daugenti as a gift to honor her Aunt Ellen Daugenti‘s generous spirit

and big heart during this Holiday Season. 



In recognition of Michele Daniels and her two GSD’s Dexter and Jack

Maureen Bedard




In Memorium


In loving tribute to all  who filled our lives with joy, happiness and love…we will never forget you





In memory of Irene Jackson, a true lover of German Shepherds

The Malatino Family




In Loving memory of Fiona

Elyse Feldman




In loving memory of Riley and Juno

Marian and Mike Burns




In memory of Champ 

For Hugo and all the loving dogs Shepherds Hope

gives a second chance to.  Thank you.


Cynthia Marie LeCompte





In memory of Sandra Daniels and in honor of her precious Tessa who she left behind.


Maureen Bedard






In memory of our friend and fellow rescuer, Margret Fiedler. Donations have been made for the care of her beloved pets who meant the world to her.


 Carol Barnett 

Mr. and Mrs. William Braunstein

Valerie Cornell & Iris

Elisabeth Friedman

Terri Gerlich

Judith Geroni 

Nan Gonnella

Robert Herm & Cricket

Ken & Barbara Johns

Ronald Labaco

Lisa Lombardo

Liz Maffe

Donna Monroe

Tracy and Mark Paradis

Cindy Paxton

Ron Prince

Arthur Rowe

Susanne Rostock

Susan Sachs

Karen Shapiro

 Lisa Tennison

 Yvonne (Vivianne) Tvilling

 Hugh Van Dusen

Caroline Ward




In loving memory of Dolly

Mariam Attarian-Bryer


In loving memory of Duke Caskey, the best dog in the world

Brooke Foged




In loving memory of Virginia Joy Morris

Who would always ask me how our rescue Shepherd “Budlee”  was doing.

James Freebody



In Loving Memory of Our Boys, Philo and Max

Nikki and Cornelius Perkins



In loving memory of Han
    Kathleen & Jeffrey Nelson



In loving memory of Rocksea
  Elyse Feldman


In loving memory of Jazzy
To Shepherds Hope and her foster parents, Lauren & Peter,
for giving her love and great care during the best year of her life.
        Elyse Feldman




‘In honor of Grace Aprigliano, a true animal lover’
    Karen & Richard Lanzetta


In Loving Memory of Caesar Palumbo, beloved Shepherd

Doris Maat & Robert Milgrom



In Loving Memory of Bailey

Elyse Feldman



In Loving Memory of our Shayna

Anita & Paul Heiser



 In memory of their beloved dogs, Hilary and Adam
Mom and Dad




Denotes Multiple Donations

Denotes a minimum $500 donation











2013 Donators



Dean and Susanna Adler

Joan Alverson

Chris Arena
Victor Hortho & Suzi Barbee

Linda Barlow

Gia Battista

Dawn Becker

Maureen Bedard & the Pack from

  Yard Sales for Needy Tails 

Susan Bender

Robert Berth

Terriann & Ronald Bish

 Patricia Bishop

Willaim & Katy Bloss

James Braunstein

Nancy Brayton

Jill Bresler

Richard & Janelle Bryer

Robert Caponegro

Laruen Carucci

Danielle Castellano

Steven & Susan Cattieu

Rebecca Christensen

Hope Chu

Damon Coryell

Terri & Floyd Cumbie

James Dascoli

Wolfgang Deininger

Jane DelGado

Sandra Deyo

David Doyle

Jane Doyle

D. Nike Dwyer

Jim Ellerton, Sefton Resources, Inc.

Doriane Elliott

Tami Evans

Elyse Feldman

Jane Flanagan

Marie Elena Georgas

Theresa Gerlich

Marie Giangolano

 Patricia Glenn

Francine & Leonard Goldstein

Jade Gruhn

Gaetano & Linda Guido

Nina Harrison

Marianne Hedl

Kathleen Henry

Vic Hortho & Suzi Barbee

Faith Jones

Gerda Kamberov
Yana Kamberov

Katie Kane

Kristen Kastrinos

Kathleen Kearns

Erin King

Mark & Kim Kondracki

Mary Kulakowski

Karen & Richard Lanzetta

Kristen Lewis
Barbara Lorber

Patrick Lydem






Margrit McCrane

Cynthia McDaniel

Margaret McGrath

Wendy McJury

Mary Manuppella

Konrad Matthaei

Barbara Meli

Magdalena Montoya

Felicia Morales

Jeanne Morency

Diana Murphy

Monica Nast

Veronica Nizama

Jeannie Orsini

 Michael Patterson

Patricia Pazsint

Elizabeth Phillips

Elizabeth Schaffner

Jill Pliskin & John Steinberg

Debra Poznack-Olsen

Marian Rapoport

Rudy & Linda Rich

Melinda Robison

Wendy Rogers

Lauren & David Ross

James & Leigh Ann Russo

Kathryn Salensky

James & Jane Salvato

Charles Santoro

Debra Santoro

The Schafer Family Foundation

Elizabeth Schaffner

Jay Schonbrunn

Betsy Schwartz

Shana Alexander Charitable Foundation  

Kris Short

Robert Sowers

Jessica Specter

Helaine Stashower

Janet Stegiel

Joshua Stein

Georgia Stokes

Laura Taylor

Lisa Thristino

S.J. Treibel

Deborah Van Cott

Cynthia Walsh

Margit Walsh

Caroline Ward

Tracy Wolak & Bully Baby Rescue

Gretchen Wolf

Nancy Womack

Elizabeth Yovino





  Denotes Multiple Donations

Denotes a minimum $500 donation



In Honor of Julia and Miro for helping me find my Deke

Vida Dutkanicz 




Thank you for my wonderful daughter Phoebe
Elyse Feldman





In Memorium

In loving tribute to all  who filled our lives with joy, happiness and love…




In memory of my boy Jay

Love Mommy



In Loving Memory of Dutch

Tami Evans
Elyse Feldman




In Memory of Paul Sabo
  Terriann Bish



In memory of Rou, a very special boy

Tracy Akner, DVM




In memory of Vincent Arcese
Karen & Richard Lanzetta



In loving memory of Tonto.
You will always be in our heart, we will miss you!
Mom and Dad




In memory of Steven Knee and his beloved Shepherds, Zev and Webster






In memory of Steven Knee, a long time shepherd lover
Elizabeth Phillips

Joyce Malakoff



In Memory of Friah Grace Patterson

Judith Lamon





In Memory of Greg Scallero
Sandra Deyo
Jim Murphy



In loving memory of Kody
Maureen Bedard


In Loving Memory of Rosco

Elyse Feldman

Marcia Levine

Claire Muller

Gary & Louetta Muller



In Loving Memory of our Beloved Greta Feldman

The Buscemi Family

Elyse (Mom) Feldman

Jane and Dennis Feldman

Marcia Levine

Claire Muller

Theodore & Johanna Richman



In loving memory of Greta

Jimmy & Terri Cumbie





 In Memory of My Dear Friend, Marie Giglio

Bonnie Ensor




 Denotes Multiple Donations

Denotes a minimum $500 donation 










2012 Donators


Terri Abplanalp

Louisa Abreu

Dean & Susanna Adler

Stacy Alldredge

Joan & Jay Alverson

Diana & Frederick Amendolara

Margarete Arcese

Mary Arcese

“Uncle” Chris Arena

June Avignone

Steven Babasick

Paul & Ellen Bartholomew

Maureen Bedard &
Yard Sales for Needy Tails
Susan Bender

Terrianne Bish

Susan Bishop

William & Katy Bloss

Karen Bofill

Brett Boucher

Carol Bray

Nancy Brayton & Pack

Jill Bresler

Whitney Brown

William Bulla

Rachel & Guiness Calzaretta
Joan Camba-Barron

Elizabeth Campos

Robert Caponegro

Cindy Carlone

Kerry Chamberlain

Michael & Julia Cleary

Suzanne Critchfield

Terri & Jimmy Cumbie

Lynn Curtis

Beth Dahlke

Zubin Dastur

Wolfgang Deininger

Kathy & Larry Delamater

Jane Doyle

Dania Drewing

James Dascoli

Jill Dunning

Deborah Dwyer

Mahynoor El Tahry

Bobby & Fritz Earls

Jim Ellerton

Karen Englert

Tami Evans

Colleen & Joseph Farley

Annmarie Farrell

Maureen Feduniak

Elyse Feldman

Julia Ferris

Sabrina Fondren

Larry & Christine Foreman

Erika Gallagher

Theresa Gerlich

Christine Gergorat

Dorothy Gerow

Marie Giangolano

Adele Goodrich

Victoria Goodwin

Norman Graewe

Guardians of Rescue, Inc.

Heidi Hanson

Carol Saunders Harbaugh

Holli Harms

Leonard Hass

Marianne Hedl

Katie Henry

Scott Holland

Coleen Holzman

Jennifer Ierardi

Dana Jaskol

Kristy Jennings

Gerda Kamberov

Yana Kamberov

Sarah Kaplan

Kristen Kastrinos

Sally Kasulanis

Alicia Katayama

Michael Kearns

Marianne Kinane & Family

Susan King

Laura Krasnow

Diana Krug

Carol Ann Kubinski

Mary Kulakowski







Judith Lamon

Deborah Lancaster

Dolores Landau

Diane Landry

Wendy Landry

Kathryn Lange

Karen & Richard Lanzetta

Jennifer Lerardi

Mary Leas

Clifford & Beatrice Lester

Lindberg & Mitchell Family

Barbara Lorber

Sue Lovely

Kathleen McCarthy

Maribeth McCarthy

Michael Manfro

Mary Manuppella

Robert A. Marino

Konrad Matthaei

Sandy & Jeff Meisner

Jeanne Meldrim

Tracey Meyer

Steven Micherdzinski

Felicia Morales

Jeanne Morency

Helen Murray

Orenstein Foundation

Marilyn Pasekoff

Michael & Lynn Patterson

Donald Pfalzer

T.I. and Susan Phillips

Jill Pliskin

Caroline Penn

Karen Pepp

Elizabeth Quinn

Jane Rabben

Gloria Rappaport

David Rayner

Linda Reid

Carol Reilly

Sara Renaud

Janet & Todd Richter

Chris & Carol Rosensteel

James Russo

Donna Sachs

Debra Santoro

Lori Sattler

Sigrid Fenton Schafer

Gay Schonbrunn

Derek & Helen Schwartz

Omaira Seguias

Shelter Connection, Inc.

Kris Short

Kristin Siarkowicz

Janet Skidmore

Anna Small

Janet Stegiel

Joshua Stein

Jill Pliskin & John Steinberg

Malia Stevens

Georgia Stokes

Miroslawa Surowiec

Laura Taylor

Stevie & Van Taylor

Nancy Thomas

Ralph Thomas

Lisa Thristino

Nicole Tibaldi

Amy Torres

Ursula & James Towle

Sharon Truax

Caroline Ward

Priscilla Whittington

Jeanne Woodlock-Meldrim






We would like to thank the following organizations for naming Shepherds Hope a 2012 Grant recipient:



Build-A-Bear Workship Bear Hug Foundation

Shana Alexander Charitable Foundation 



A donation was made in memory of ‘Nelly’, a beloved senior German Shepherd that
was rescued by Diane two years ago.  Thanks Diane for giving Nelly the best
golden years a dog can have.



In Memorium

In loving tribute to all  who filled our lives with joy, happiness and love…


In loving Memory of Danny

Alice Swan



In loving memory of Helen Michalski
From her daughter Karen Lanzetta




In loving memory of Thor.

A beautiful, sweet, gentle boy

Susan Aiello

Ellen Collins

Judith Lamon

 Michael and Lynn Patterson

Renata Spinks




In loving memory of Jay Alverson

Loving husband, wonderful father and great friend

 Catherine Babsky

Benchmark Title Agency

Michael Benzi

David & Diedre Bowers

Patricia Breslauer

George & Donna Buttacavoli

Elyse Feldman

Claudia Goldberg
Gaetano & Linda Guido
John W. Jessiman
Donna Jiricek
Lorraine Malone
Joseph Martin
Paul F. Monaco
Victor Pajonas
Erika Pedone
Linda Pellegrino
Christine M. Pisani
Brian Rascona
Howard Rosen
Joann Sabatino
Donna & Alan Sandler


In loving memory of my Baloo

Gina Noonan



In loving memory of Dorothy Ward

 Amy Torres
Michael & Karol Souveroff

Mitchell Bard
Michiel & Jane Van Schaardenburg



In loving memory of Nivella

Jody & Peter Klenk



  In loving memory of my girl, Zoey

Adele Goodrich



In Memory of our mother and friend, Madelyn Lanzetta

 Richard and Karen Lanzetta

Delores Landau
Kathleen McCarthy
Mary Arcese
Margarete Arcese
Christine Forman




With Special Thanks to…….   


Paw PrintJames and the staff at Elizabeth Ann Kennels in Stirling, NJ.


Paw PrintMany, Many thanks to Joan and The Animal Lovers League for fostering and caring for so many of our dogs.


Paw PrintGlen at Aberdeen Kennels in Frederick, PA.



Paw PrintThank you to our wonderful accountant Randi Levy Rosinsky

Paw PrintDr. Stephen Sobel and the staff at Stirling Veterinary Hospital for their wonderful care.


Paw PrintSida Chen and her amazing Shepherd Savior artwork.



Paw PrintJulia Cleary for being such a wonderful foster mom.


Paw PrintDr. Kristen Sullivan and Dr. Cathy Roncskevitz and staff for their incredible generosity and kindness; you have our deepest gratitude. They have given amazing care time and time again to all our animals.


Paw PrintUncle Chris Arena and the S.A.F.U.S. Project for always taking in a dog in need.











 2011 Donators


Christopher Abad

Susanna Adler

Jay & Joan Alversen

Lisa Anderson

Lillian Anderson

Chris Arena

Mariam Attarian

Avus Autosport, Inc.

Patricia Bacon

Liz Beiter

Eynat Beler

Teresa Belmonte

Erica Boling

Tim Bishop

Nancy Brayton

Jill Bresler

Laureen Brigati

Bonnie Smith

Tony & Patrice Casiero

Andrea Chase

Eugene Cleary

Julia Cleary

Doug & Pam Cuddeback

Margaret Dart

Zubin Dastur

Kathy & Larry Delameter

Jodi Dellaquila

Wolfgang Deininger

Joan Doucette

Deborah Dwyer

Jim & Shelly Ehrman

Maria & Fran Eigenbrodt

Jim Ellerton

Mary Eng

Jospehine Falsey

Karen Fays

Maureen Feduniak

Martin Feinberg

Elyse Feldman

Elise Flynn

Richard Feldman

Cathy Flanagan

Karen Flowers

Joanne Gagnon

Virginia Garjian

Terry Gerlich

Jeanann Giordano

Cathy Giuffre

Adele Goodrich

Pat Grudman

Beth Hacker

Marianne Hedl

Kathleen Henry

Pat Hildebrandt

Lori Hoepner

Victor Hotho

Alicia Jayourba

Louise Kane

Tara Karam

Kathleen Karle

Suzanne Kealey

Nikole Kniesel

Kim & Mark Kondracki

Mary Kulakowski

Deborah Lancaster

Kathryn Lange

Richard & Karen Lanzetta

Mary Leas

Barbara Lorber




Robin Main

Robert  Marino

Theresa Martin

Gardinia Martinez

Michael McClemon

Jeanne & Matt Meldrim

Grace Mondoro

Jennifer & James Mora

Jeanne Morency

Laura Morris

Anne Moyer

Claire Muller

Helen  Murray

Tracy Meyer

Angelo Moratti

Laura Morris

Helen Murray

Alison & Nigel Nicholls

Jacqueline Ostrander

Catrin Parker

Michael & Lynn Patterson

Pat Pazsint

Christie Peretti

Planet PR

Michael & Debrah Prievo

Clara Prisament

Linda Reid

Johanna & Theodore Richman

Jessica Richter

Todd Richer

Caryll Rinehart

Felicia Robertson

Debra Robicheau

Racquel Rodriquez

Carol Rosensteel

Julia Rotman-Smith

Cynthia Round

Mary & Walter Sanchez

Elaine Sargent

Laura Schooling

Omaira Seguias

Shana Alexander Charitable Foundatioin

Kris Short

Gainus & Chong Sikes

Lila Silverman

Rene & Jerome Smith

Janet Stegiel

Janet Stough

Karen Stuck

Miroslawa Surowiec

Nancy Thomas

Valerie Thomassie

Lisa Thristino

Nicole Tibaldi

Francis Tierney, Jr

Vanessa Tobin

Christopher Toy

Karla Tribley

Kim & Marc Trolly

Deb & Bryan Van Cott

Melinda Van Dillen

Natalie & Philip Vellucci

Richard Verga

Caroline Ward

Wilda Wynn





 Denotes Multiple Donations

Denotes a minimum$500 donation








2015 Donators


Geoffrey Acampora

Talia Acampora

Susanna Adler

Joan Alverson and Reign

Chis Arena

Pamela Babcock

Jean Balloon

Suzanne Barbee & Victor Hortho

Janet & Fred Barrell

Jean Beasley

Carol Beck

Larry Beck

Maureen Bedard-Yard Sales for Needy Tails

Belkin Capital Ltd.

Bender Media Services Corp.

Dawn Betters

Karen Bisgeier

Terriann & Ronald Bish

Pat Bischoff

Bill, Katy and Luke Bloss

Lori Bocola

Barbara & William Braunstein

John & Nancy Bryden

Ray,  Rosa, and Allie Bussi

Vicki Carrington

Susan Novosel Cattieu

Teri Cumbie

Micaela Darling

James Dascoli

Gerard DeBoey

Wolfgang Deininger

Lisa Del Percio

Sandra Deyo

Barbara & Frank Dobrovics

Russell Doucette

Caroline Dowd-Ward

Jane & Dave Doyle

Teri Dunbar

Nike Dwyer

Michele Edge

Katya Edwards

Yvonne Esposito


Tami Evans

Maureen Feduniak

Sue Feere

Elyse Feldman

Denise Feinkind

John Fitzgerald

Camille Ford

Gary & Rosemary Freitag

Terri Gerlich

Adele Goodrich

Dalia & Jennifer Gouveia

Aubrey Graf-Daniels

Christine Gregorat

Conrad Gustafson

Todd Haines

Katie Henry

Janet Hine

Melissa Hoff

Jo Hoffman

Phyllis Hosbach

Carla Jenkins

Lorraine Justus

Gerda Kamberov

Yana Kamberov

George Karampelas

Jacquelynn Kasufkin

Marianne & Richard Kinane

Jeannie Kooba

Shara Ladyzhensky

Kathryn Lange

Karen & Richard Lanzetta

Mary Leas

Cynthia LeCompte

Cindy Leinwand

Patricia Lepkowski

Tami & Chris Jimmy

Barbara Heyman Lorber

Susan Lorentz





Margrit McCrane

E. Siobha McCormack

Dr. Ronald & Stephanie Mann

Tiffany Maurer

Jeanne Meldrim

The Meskouris Family

Bill Meyer

Susan Meyer

Enis Moran

Jeanne Morency

Tracy D. O’Berry

Philip & Linda Okun

Jeannie & Chris Orsini

Robert Packer

Leona Palumbo

Frank Pinzone on behalf of Adeline Pinzone

Alicia & Josh Pollock

Andee Post

Dave Rayner

Linda & Dennis Reid

Caryll Rinehart

Denise Reszek

Larry & Rosanna Roberts

Carol, Christopher and Talon Rosensteel

Jim & Leigh Ann Russo

Joanne and Bruce Sale

Jayne, Jimmy and Lucy Salvato

Debra Santoro

Sigrid Schafer

Christopher Schoedel

Nicole Sellars

James Shepler

Jessica Sigal

Dana and Gregory Silk

Allan Silverman

Lisa Smith

Michael Souveroff

Robert Sowers

Nancy Stallings

Janet & Greg Stegiel

Sarah Steinberg

Georgia Stokes

Adrienne Swan

Ray and Melanie Swan

Laura Taylor

Svetlana Tchirkova

Lisa Thristino

Micheline Tilton

Lisa Toohey

Karla Tribley

Henry Tuttman and The Interiors Group

Deborah Van Cott

Suzyn Waldman

Caroline Dowd Ward

Laurel Wardle

Nadine Welch

Lori Wells

Cynthia West





 Denotes Multiple Donations

Denotes a minimum $500 donation




We would like to thank the following organizations for naming Shepherds Hope a 2015 Grant recipient:


Shana Alexander Charitable Trust
For the third time, we have been honored to receive an extraordinarily generous grant from the Shana Alexander Charitable Trust.  This was established by the late Shana Alexander, an incredible journalist, author and television personality.  We are so grateful to the Trustees for awarding us with this most generous grant so we can continue on the mission we hold so dear to our heart.
Heartfelt thanks to Eleanora Kennedy for championing our cause.



Merry Christmas, Donna

from Lisa Thristino and Zena






Thank you Bill, Katy and Luke Bloss for your extraordinarily generous gift.

We are so grateful for your generous support and kindness.

From our Maya
She wanted to send you something to thank you for all you do in honor of Daddy’s birthday.
Suzi Barbee and Vic Hotho





In honor of Hobbes

Belkin Capital Ltd.



We love our Ellie girl so much and can’t thank you enough for helping us find her. We just wanted to help give another dog a chance to find a loving home.
Deborah Van Cott

Thank you all at SH for all the love and

personal effort you afford all the dogs and puppies in need.

I am so proud to be a small part of your tem.


Lids, Philip, Cella, Mocco and Princess




With thanks to Tracey Meyer
For organizing donations at Rutgers University for Yard Sales for Needy Tails
Maureen Bedard 


For Juno, my “little sister”
With Love
Yana Kamberov




With Love

 Tim and Kate (Zeus‘ Mom and Dad)




For Sidney

Linda & Philip Okun



In honor of Donna J.’s Birthday.

With Much Love,

Elyse Feldman




In honor of my furry nephew Talon

Marie Giangolano    









In Memorium


In loving tribute to all  who filled our lives with joy, happiness and love…we will never forget you





 In loving memory of Jay

With gratitude to Jeannie

Love, Mom




In loving memory of our beloved Maya

Love Mom and Dad





In memory our beloved Max.  We will be forever grateful.

Linda and Dennis Reid





In loving memory of my Jordy, his brother Mackey and sister Dolly.

We miss you more than we can say.  Til’ we meet again puppas. 

Jeannie and Chris Orsini





In loving memory of our friends at Rainbow Bridge

 Jeannie Kooba






In loving memory of our family, our friends Rocco and Leika 

Richard and Marianne Kinane

Allan Silverman, Bullrock Concrete Corporation





 In memory of our beloved SamPaige and Mackey

Until we see you again.

Karla Tribley





 In loving memory of my beloved Shepherd, Heidi

who passed from Hemangiosarcoma at the young age of only 10.

My heart will never be the same.

 Laurel Wardle



In loving memory of my beloved Zoey

 Adele Goodrich





In memory of Jackie

Who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on November 8, 2015

Maureen from Yard Sales for Needy Tails





In honor of my beloved cat Chairman Meow






In loving memory of our Emma

The sweetest and most wonderful baby girl

Joanne, Bruce and Eric Sale




In loving memory of our Torre

The sweetest and most wonderful baby girl

Joanne, Bruce and Eric Sale




In loving memory of my beloved Mambo 

who could, and always will, make my heart dance

Leona Palumbo




In loving memory of Elsie, her mom’s best friend

Elyse Feldman





In memory our our beloved Bridget

The Meskouris Family





Thanks to Gidget,  Nancy and Mike Bryden for their generous donation to Shepherds Hope Rescue in memory of Margret Fiedler on her birthday.







A very generous donation was made by Joanne & Bruce Sale in memory of baby Luca Gabriel Rutolo

whose very brief stay on earth was celebrated by his family

Baby Luca, may you rest peacefully in the arms of the angels.  May God kiss you gently and welcome you home ♡






In loving memory of Griffin,

Beloved companion of Tami and Chris Jimmy

and Terri Cumbie 




In memory of my Kitty Neuman, beloved cat friend of one of your adoptees.

Thanks for the wonderful work you do.

Your friend Bo and mom Lorraine





In loving memory of Gina, my beloved girl.

George Karampelas





In loving memory of Sophie
Elyse Feldman
In loving memory of Sammy
Elyse Feldman
In loving memory of Valentine
Terri and Jimmy Cumbie
Tami Evans
Elyse Feldman
Karen and Richard Lanzetta
Joan Alverson, Reign & Sophie



In honor of my beloved Duke
5 years at Rainbow Bridge
Love Auntie Pam
In loving memory of Sace
Marianne Kinane
In loving memory of our Buddy
Ann Simkins and  Bonifacio Montellano




  In loving memory of my Buddy

 Carol Beck




In loving memory of Pepper

With deepest sympathies to the Sah family

From their neighbors on Grace Court Alley 

Sarah & Peter Steinberg

Jonathan Darman and James Lawler

 Kara and David Levin

Marilyn and Rick Schatzberg

Siobhan Bonnouvrier and Hilary LeFebvre

Gabe Howard and Marty Skoble 




In loving memory of Shadow

Elyse Feldman




In loving memory of Cooper

Elyse Feldman




To Sophie

Who resembles and recalls our beloved Shepherd Kizmet

who went to rest on Tuesday.

Nadine Welch



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