In loving memory of Baron K582
Philadelphia Police Department
K9 Baron served proudly with his handler Officer Jim Zimmerman for over 7 years. They enjoyed a very special bond. We are so very grateful he was allowed the chance to shine and do a job he loved so much.
Rest easy, mighty warrior.
K-9 Mavrick
Update: 7/15/2016
We are so proud of our Mavrick who is now an official K-9 of the Philadelphia Police Department. We congratulate Mavrick and his handler Officer O’Brien for their hard work and dedication. We wish you a long and happy career together and we pray for your safety. Way to go Mav!!!
Make us proud.
Update 3/28/2016. Mavrick is doing great during his second week of class. He is already caught up on his obedience training. We’ll keep you posted. Go Mavrick, we are rooting for you!
So begins the latest adventure! Mavrick was found dragging a heavy chain and ended up at a rural shelter in North Carolina with next to no options of being adopted. German shepherds are not put on the adoption floor and require a rescue to take them. No one came to claim him.
After being at the shelter for a few days, the staff saw his crazy energy level and said ‘this boy needs a job’. They contacted us and we went to go and take a look. As sick as Mavrick was with horrible kennel cough, he was raring to go. Hung off a towel and almost shredded it, wouldn’t give up a ball or squeaky toy for even the most tasty treat. He’s now with his foster mom and upon completion of his isolation, he will be transported and going into K-9 training class with Philadelphia’s finest. Please send up some good thoughts and prayers for our boy. He is being treated for his kennel cough, will be neutered and we’re working on his transport.
Mavrick hopes a few angels will step forward and donate to help make this possible. Although we’ve been bogged down with medical and special food costs for Zeus, we just couldn’t let this opportunity pass by for Mav.
We’ll keep you posted.
Click on the Angel to help Mavrick.
Mavrick’s Supporters:
For the love of Mavrick: Jane, Dave and Misha
Linda and Philip Okun
Jane and Dave Doyle
UPDATE 3/19/2016. After a 9 1/2 hour drive today, Mavrick is now with the Philly K-9 unit. What a brave and sweet boy he is. Here is Mavrick at the halfway point and is waiting for his pickup to start the beginning of his new adventure. We are soooooooooooo rooting for you, our boy. We know you will make us proud!
K-9 Abel
Meet K-9 Abel. He’s checking in with us while he’s taking a break from his special ops training at the Philadelphia K-9 unit.
Abel’s story is all too common. We got a call from a shelter on Long Island that said they had a very high drive German Shepherd that needed a job. We went to evaluate him and he did awesome and aced his evaluation. Philadephia K-9 unit was looking for dogs for their sping class and were anxious to meet him. It was love at first sight when his handler met him.
We are so proud of our K-9 Abel. Stay safe out there guys.
Our “Top Cops” working the
Democratic National Convention
Officer Zimmerman and K-9 Baron
Officer Zimmerman and K-9 Baron on Air Force One
Officer Zimmerman and K-9 Baron
Officer O’Brien and K-9 Mavrick
K-9 Bravo securing the VIP suite
Officer Treston and K-9 Baron in the Oval Office
Officer Treston and K-9 Baron
Officer Treston and K-9 Baron
Officer Treston and K-9 Baron at an Exhibition
K-9 Mavrick
K-9 Bravo
Meet K-9 Bravo and his handler Officer Goatee working at the Philadelphia K-9 unit.
God bless you and be safe.
And………..tonight’s starting pitcher – K-9 Bravo!
K-9 Bravo enjoying a drink in one of the suites.
K-9 Baron
K-9 Reaper
K-9 Reaper (right) bomb sweeps at the Army Navy game. That’s his sister, K-9 Pax, on the left.
Here are two of our boys, K-9 Baron and K-9 Reaper with their handlers on the job this Labor Day Weekend.
K-9’s Baron and Reaper
K-9s Baron and Reaper, former Shepherds Hope pound puppies, sniffing for bombs at Taylor Swift concert, Philadelphia. Another job well done, boys!!!!
K-9 Baron
K-9 Reaper
K-9 Ceer
Trooper Darling and K-9 Ceer
We are happy to report that K-9 Ceer has successfully gone through advanced training for SWAT team.
Congratulations Ceer, you are now a K-9 Top Cop!! We are so proud of you!
K-9’s Baron and Reaper
On Saturday at the Philadelphia Thrill Show, in an exhibition for K-9 dogs and
their handlers, Sgt. Nick DiPasquale and Officer Jim Zimmerman present a plaque
thanking Jeannie and Shepherds Hope for their donation of K-9s Baron and
Reaper. We are so proud of our boys
K-9 Winchester
Jay and Winchester
Jay and Winchester attend a tribute to former Marine and K-9
handler Brad Fox who was killed in the line of duty.
K-9's Reaper and Baron
Reaper and Baron and the rest of their class just got their USPCA certifications today (that's the US Police Canine Association). So proud of our boys!!!!
K-9 Baron with Officer Jimmy and K-9 Reaper with Officer Nick.
K-9 Rex
Update: December 20, 2012
Rex has been called to Washington with his new K-9 handler Officer Steven Knapp to protect our National Monuments. This is a great privilege and Rex and his handler are up to the challenge. We wish Rex and Steve the very best and may they be safe.
Below is Rex with his new brother, retired K-9 Norris. After some initial things to work out, Rex, who had been known to be dog aggressive, decided that having a big brother was kind of cool. Our Rex is the handsome stud on the left. Although, he looks so much like his big brother on Norris the right.
Meet K-9 officer Rex with the United States Parks Dept. He and his handler, Officer Jimenez, are responsible for providing law enforcement services and protection for the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Rex's key skill is explosive detection. Rex almost didn't make it to his current role in law enforcement, he was a day away from death.
On a Monday morning we got the call that a German shepherd in a Connecticut shelter was deemed aggressive and going to be put down, and asked if we could help. Julia, one of our volunteers, went to the shelter to evaluate him. She as amazed at what she saw. Not the aggressive, fire breathing demon that was described to us, but rather a friendly, goofy, sweet shepherd with lots and lots energy. Julia could not leave him at the shelter and asked to foster him. She was told by the shelter staff that he was turned in by his owner who could not keep him and had a medical history because he was attacked by a pit bull from behind and suffered severe injuries. Luckily, the owner brought him to the vet for surgery and part of his tail was removed and he was stitched back together. You would never know it to look at Rex now, but if you went to touch his back end he became quite protective and would growl. Good to know why he exhibited this behavior, and understandably so. The shelter then adopted Rex to an inexperienced owner who returned him in one day and told the shelter staff he was too aggressive because she tried to grab his back end and he growled. One day mind you. I guess she never heard about building respect and trust. So she turned him back to the shelter and he was going to be put down. Enter Julia who takes him home and begins her foster mom job.
The first day was very tense, Julia having two shepherds of her own and an infant. But she was determined that Rex would get a chance. Rex cried most of the first night because he was afraid to be left alone, he had been dumped so many times in the last few days he had separation anxiety. Night number 2, foster dad Michael brought Rex to the guest bedroom and put the crate next to his bed and Rex slept like a baby. The next week Julia worked on obedience with Rex, socialization and building trust and respect. Rex flourished but it became apparent that Rex needed a job. Julia said he had lots of drive and energy and could we reach out to our police contacts. Luckily, the National Parks Service had an opening and after a thorough evaluation they agreed Rex had what they needed and was very happy to take him. Julia and Michael, Rex's super foster parents, were invited to Rex's graduation this week. When Rex saw them he began to whimper and cry like a baby, he was so happy to see them. He remembered them even after the 2 month training process. Many tears were shed that day both of joy and relief that this great dog was saved and given a second chance at life.
Congratulations K-9 officer Rex. And thank you Julia and Michael for helping save another wonderful German Shepherd!
K-9 Winchester
Winschester is too smart for his own good. Now he’s driving!
Winchester Chillin’
April, 2012
K-9 Winchester, Philadelphia Transit Authority (SEPTA) just certified in Explosives Detection. Congratulations to his handler P.O. Jay Waltz and trainer Janie DiPasquale.
Baron (far left), Winchester (right of Baron) and their graduating class.
K-9 Rex

K-9 Nio
I am so very proud to say that Riley from my shelter, now known as “NIO”, graduated with flying colors! I have copies of the paper but the website has 22 pictures of the dogs as work! Very impressive.
Pound Posse Puppies
Shepherds Hope is so proud of our two rescue dogs, Baron and Reaper, who just graduated the police academy and will be serving and protecting the streets of Philadelphia, PA.
Reaper came from the city shelter. His owners surrendered him saying he was ‘too hyper’. Wonder what they were thinking when they got a Belgian Malinois?! Heresay has it that he was a puppy kept back from a litter and he basically lived in a yard with no human contact, only food and water. Once we got to know him, we saw he had a tremendous curiosity and toy/play drive. Our wonderful friends at the Philadelphia K-9 unit came to evaluate him and snatched him up immediately for their next class.
Baron came to Shepherds Hope through a wonderful organization in NYC that helps keep pets out of the shelters. His owner was critically ill and his family wanted to make sure Baron went to a safe place. They reached out to us and we took him into our care. Our K-9 friends saw Baron and really took a liking to him too and decided to take him for their program. I know his dad would be very proud.
Baron, Reaper and two other dogs from another fine German Shepherd rescue are lovingly known as the Pound Puppy Posse. They have earned the respect of the entire unit. We are so grateful to the Philadelphia K-9 unit for their faith in these amazing dogs.
K-9 Baron’s Titanium Tooth