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Dog Ice and Frosty Paws

Great Ideas for Hot Days


You will be able to keep your dog busy AND keep them cool this summer.  Freeze water and chicken broth (or you can use water) with toys, carrots, bacon bits, pieces of beef jerky, cookies and other treats mixed in. 

       Frosty Paws
Three recipes for your dogs
These recipes can be halved, doubled, or multiplied as necessary. 

Frosty Paws #1:
1 banana,  4 ounces yogurt (plain or fruit),  2 oz. water.  Add ingredients to food processor or blender and mix until smooth.  Pour into small (3 oz.) paper cups or ice cube tray and freeze.  If using ice cube trays, line with Saran Wrap for easy removal.   Remove cups before serving.
You can use plain or vanilla yogurt and flavor it with honey and/or peanut butter, in the same amounts as in Version #2 below.

Frosty Paws #2:
32 oz. vanilla yogurt,  2 Tbsp. honey,  2 Tbsp. peanut butter,  1 large banana, or 1 large jar of banana baby food.  Blend all ingredients together. Pour into small paper cups and freeze. Remove cups before serving.

Frosty Paws #3:
1 quart vanilla yogurt,  1 large banana,  3 tablespoons peanut butter (smooth or chunky),  3 tablespoons honey (may also use molasses).  In blender or food processor blend banana, add peanut butter.  Add yogurt and honey or molasses, blend.

Fill paper cups (or make ice cubes) 2/3rds full. Freeze till solid. 

Use your imagination, hide a cookie, bacon bits, or maybe a carrot in them.  Make a ton at a time, then pop them out of the ice cube trays and transfer them to 1 gallon Zip-Loc bags to keep them in the freezer.
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